Cadre d’analyse modulaire à 2 dimensions:
Cadre R chez IMPACT
# A tibble: 6 × 4
uuid issue question old_value
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 b5b1d37a-e27a-4c35-a0f5-2cde9d6dfd06 outlier (normal distr… age_res… 86
2 956b5ed0-5a62-41b7-aec3-af93fbc5b494 outlier (normal distr… age_res… 84
3 97ad6294-30c6-454e-a0b3-42126415b767 outlier (log distribu… age_res… 18
4 e005e719-57c4-44a3-ac2f-5d6d1ff68831 outlier (log distribu… age_res… 18
5 c9aaa542-118f-4e42-93de-fb0916572541 outlier (normal distr… num_hh_… 19
6 48e8896b-d1be-4600-8839-2d8b994ebcfb outlier (normal distr… num_hh_… 19
# A tibble: 6 × 4
uuid issue question old_value
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 b5b1d37a-e27a-4c35-a0f5-2cde9d6dfd06 outlier (normal distr… age_res… 86
2 956b5ed0-5a62-41b7-aec3-af93fbc5b494 outlier (normal distr… age_res… 84
3 97ad6294-30c6-454e-a0b3-42126415b767 outlier (log distribu… age_res… 18
4 e005e719-57c4-44a3-ac2f-5d6d1ff68831 outlier (log distribu… age_res… 18
5 c9aaa542-118f-4e42-93de-fb0916572541 outlier (normal distr… num_hh_… 19
6 48e8896b-d1be-4600-8839-2d8b994ebcfb outlier (normal distr… num_hh_… 19
List of element to combine- checked_dataset, duplicate_log, soft_duplicate_log, potential_outliers, flaged_value
# A tibble: 6 × 7
uuid old_value question issue change_type new_value check_binding
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 b5b1d37a-e27a-4c… 86 age_res… outl… <NA> <NA> age_responde…
2 956b5ed0-5a62-41… 84 age_res… outl… <NA> <NA> age_responde…
3 97ad6294-30c6-45… 18 age_res… outl… <NA> <NA> age_responde…
4 e005e719-57c4-44… 18 age_res… outl… <NA> <NA> age_responde…
5 c9aaa542-118f-4e… 19 num_hh_… outl… <NA> <NA> num_hh_membe…
6 48e8896b-d1be-46… 19 num_hh_… outl… <NA> <NA> num_hh_membe…
my_filled_log <- readxl::read_excel("my_filled_log.xlsx", sheet = 2)
my_clean_data <- create_clean_data(raw_dataset = my_raw_dataset,
raw_data_uuid_column = "X_uuid",
cleaning_log = my_filled_log,
cleaning_log_uuid_column = "uuid",
cleaning_log_question_column = "question",
cleaning_log_new_value_column = "new_value",
cleaning_log_change_type_column = "change_type")
review_of_cleaning <- review_cleaning(raw_dataset = my_raw_dataset,
raw_dataset_uuid_column = "X_uuid",
clean_dataset = my_clean_data2$data_with_fix_concat,
clean_dataset_uuid_column = "X_uuid",
cleaning_log = my_filled_log_no_deletion,
cleaning_log_uuid_column = "uuid",
cleaning_log_question_column = "question",
cleaning_log_new_value_column = "new_value",
cleaning_log_change_type_column = "change_type",
cleaning_log_old_value_column = "old_value",
deletion_log = my_deletion_log,
deletion_log_uuid_column = "uuid"
my_data_with_indicators <- my_data %>%
cutoffs = "normal",
fsl_fcs_cereal = "fs_fcs_cereals_grains_roots_tubers",
fsl_fcs_legumes = "fs_fcs_beans_nuts",
fsl_fcs_veg = "fs_fcs_vegetables_leaves",
fsl_fcs_fruit = "fs_fcs_fruit",
fsl_fcs_meat = "fs_fcs_meat_fish_eggs",
fsl_fcs_dairy = "fs_fcs_dairy",
fsl_fcs_sugar = "fs_fcs_sugar",
fsl_fcs_oil = "fs_fcs_oil_fat_butter"
) %>%
my_data_with_indicators[, tail(names(my_data_with_indicators), 14)] %>%
fsl_fcs_score fsl_fcs_cat fs_hhs_nofood_yn_recoded fs_hhs_nofood_freq_recoded
1 48.5 Acceptable 0 0
2 50.5 Acceptable 1 1
3 46.5 Acceptable 0 0
4 42.5 Acceptable 0 0
5 55.5 Acceptable 0 0
6 37.5 Acceptable 1 1
fs_hhs_sleephungry_yn_recoded fs_hhs_sleephungry_freq_recoded
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 1 2
4 0 1
5 0 1
6 0 2
fs_hhs_daynoteating_yn_recoded fs_hhs_daynoteating_freq_recoded hhs_comp1
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 1
3 1 0 0
4 1 0 0
5 1 0 0
6 1 2 1
hhs_comp2 hhs_comp3 hhs_score hhs_cat_ipc hhs_cat
1 0 0 0 None No or Little
2 0 0 1 Little No or Little
3 2 0 2 Moderate Moderate
4 0 0 0 None No or Little
5 0 0 0 None No or Little
6 0 2 3 Moderate Moderate
Entrée pour create_analysis
est un object survey_design
de survey
# A tibble: 6 × 2
stat analysis_key
<dbl> <chr>
1 0.258 prop_select_one @/@ fcs_cat %/% low @/@ location %/% locationA -/- popu…
2 0.323 prop_select_one @/@ fcs_cat %/% medium @/@ location %/% locationA -/- p…
3 0.419 prop_select_one @/@ fcs_cat %/% high @/@ location %/% locationA -/- pop…
4 0.25 prop_select_one @/@ fcs_cat %/% low @/@ location %/% locationA -/- popu…
5 0.375 prop_select_one @/@ fcs_cat %/% medium @/@ location %/% locationA -/- p…
6 0.375 prop_select_one @/@ fcs_cat %/% high @/@ location %/% locationA -/- pop…